We started our as a canvasser “Door Knocker” and we realized we enjoyed working in the community, being involved in the voter push, and helping a fellow voter make an educated decision, and seeing a candidate reach all potential voters.
We decided to form OCOfAmerica. Who is Organizing Canvassers of America. We are a group of people who have developed canvassing applications , and have a team of door knockers ready to push your campaign
We are excited we have launched 2 very exciting products that will change how businesses blast our text messages and take their office on the go with them.
Canvasser and Blaster will be under way. Candidates are pushing full steam ahead to make their campaign number one and we are here to help you reach all potential voters and become number one in their eyes.
Public Relations
Full Stack Web Developer
Marketing Management
A strong, dedicated, and determined group of people. Our products will not just help you Campaign, we also have teams of trained Canvassers to spearhead your field Campaign.